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Rooftop Solar System At Factories

Apart from the solar panels, there are a number of components that make the solar system to be installed at factories and industries.

Solar Inverters are the most important component after the solar panels which need to be properly selected and installed for rooftop solar systems. Quality of Inverters matters significantly in generating higher power from the same level of solar generation provided by the Solar panels.

DC cables should be used for interconnecting the solar panels. Practices have been noticed wherein the vendors tend to connect the panels by the AC cables which increase the generation losses.

AC cables are cheaper and can help to reduce the capital cost in short term but will be expensive due to mounting losses. Ideally the DC cables should only be utilized to connect the solar panels to the Inverters.

Earthing of the system is important for the safe operations. Earthing strip and wires need to be connected to all the key electrical components.

Lightening Arrestors (LA) are required to safeguard the system against any weather lightening and should be installed based on the system size.

Remote monitoring of the generation should be provided to continuously check the health of system.

Water piping system should ideally be designed to provide the water supply for periodic cleaning of the panels which will help to increase the generation.