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Treatment Options for Lower Back Pain

There are a number of treatments available for lower back pain, from rest and ice to medication and surgery. The best approach depends on the cause of the pain and the individual’s symptoms. Here are some treatment options for lower back pain:

Rest: Rest is often the first step in treating lower back pain. Lying down with your legs elevated can help reduce inflammation and provide relief from pain. If sleeping on your side is difficult, try sleeping on your stomach or using a cervical pillow to improve spinal alignment.

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Ice: Ice can be helpful for reducing inflammation and relieving pain. Apply an ice pack to the area around the spine every few hours until the pain diminishes. Make sure to wrap it tightly enough so that it doesn’t freeze into place.

Hot Compress: Hot compresses can also provide relief from lower back pain. Place a hot, moist cloth against the skin around the spine for 10 minutes every few hours until the pain subsides. Avoid using too much heat, which could increase inflammation.

Exercise: exercise may improve overall health and reduce symptoms of lower back pain, but be cautious when starting any type of workout program until you consult with your doctor. Moderate-intensity exercise such as walking or light jogging may be ok; strenuous activity should wait until you see a doctor.

Surgery: Surgery may be necessary in cases of severe lower back pain that doesn’t respond to other treatments. Procedures include fusion surgery, which merges two or more vertebrae together; laminectomy, which removes a small section of spinal cord; and decompression surgery, which relieves compression on the spinal cord.