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How To Hire Tea Towels Cleaning Professionals: The Complete Guide

Have you ever gone through a lot of tea towels because they just kept getting dirty? If so, you're not alone. Tea towel cleaning can be a bit of a challenge, especially if you don't have the right tools. In this guide, we'll show you how to hire a professional tea towel cleaning service provider the right way using simple, techniques.

Types of tea towels

Waffle weave: These towels are made from a mix of cotton and polyester, which makes them strong but also delicate. They're best for drying dishes or hands, as they tend to absorb more moisture than other types of tea towels. 

Flat weave: These towels are made from a single layer of cotton, which makes them less absorbent than waffle weave tea towels but also drier. They're best for wiping down dirty surfaces or taking care of delicate items like china cups; they won't leave any water spots behind like waffle weave tea towels will. 

Striped weave: These towels are made from several layers of cotton fabric that have been twisted together into stripes. The layers make the towel more absorbent than flat weave or waffle weave tea towels, but also make it harder to get clean—you'll need to use stronger detergents to get rid of dirt and food residue. 

Tips To Hire Tea Towels Cleaning, Professionals:

Interview more than one potential service.

Make certain the individual (independent cleaner) or agency (and their employees) are licensed and insured.

Define the scope.

Make sure pricing is explicit!

Don’t forget to inform the cleaning team of any pets.