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Top Features To Look For In A Basement Air Conditioner In Burlington, NC

With the changing climate, air conditioners have become a necessity. However, if you are looking for an air conditioner for your basement, the options out there can be overwhelming. Here are some of the top features you should look for in a basement air conditioner.

High SEER Rating

The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating of the basement best air conditioner is a measure of its energy efficiency. The higher the number, the more energy-efficient the unit is. 

Noise Level

It is important to choose an air conditioner that runs quietly in your basement. Look for one that has a noise level of 55 decibels or less. This will ensure that your air conditioner does not disturb you or your neighbors.

Compact Design

Basements are usually smaller than the rest of the house, so you should look for an air conditioner with a compact design. This will help you save on space and ensure that your air conditioner fits in your basement without any difficulty.

Air Purification

Basements are often damp and musty, so it is important to choose an air conditioner with an air purification system. This will help to improve the air quality in your basement and reduce the chances of allergies and other respiratory problems.


The price of an air conditioner for your basement can vary greatly depending on its size, features, and energy efficiency. To get the best value for your money, compare prices from different brands and look for one that fits your budget.

With these features in mind, you will be sure to find the perfect air conditioner for your basement.