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What is So Wonderful About Italian Black Truffle Salt?

What exactly does black truffle sea salt tastes like? Well, actually it isn't very tasteful, to say the least. If you put a pinch of it on a fairly raw surface, you would undoubtedly leave a salty residue behind. What does this salt come from? Truffles themselves come from the seeds of a tree native to northern France and Switzerland. These trees grow wild all over Europe and are harvested twice a year for consumption.

The form in which black truffle salt is derived will also vary quite a bit. Some will be coarse grains, while others may be more fine grains. Some may even be organic sea salt. No matter what the origin, however, the salt itself is rich in minerals, trace elements, vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants. These are nutrients that help to make the food we eat healthier and help to keep us healthier.

So, what's so special about black truffle sea salt anyway? It's a delicious sprinkle that goes great on just about any kind of bread. I like to sprinkle it onto whole wheat rolls and use it as a sandwich ingredient. It goes nicely with sausages and grilled chicken as well. Add a little bit to a roast and you'll have a roast that will knock your socks off.

Another way to use it is in the place of olive Morada. Mix a little bit of it with olive Morada and top with a little bit of shredded sharp cheddar cheese. Sprinkle a little bit of black truffle salt over the top and you've got an instant morning omelet! This can be made a little more exciting by adding some chopped scallions or olives. For a real change of pace, try serving it with a little bit of goat cheese.

It goes great on French baguettes as well. Try mixing it with a bit of milk and then putting it on hot bread just before putting it into the oven. The texture will rise and give the bread a nice brown color. You could also sprinkle black truffle salt on warm stale bread to make it taste just like it was made at home. If you have to eat bread for breakfast, this is one easy way to get more than one healthy serving in the morning.

There are a few other uses for black truffle salt. Like any good chef knows, one of the keys to great cooking is using different kinds of seasoning. That's exactly what makes black truffle salt a standout choice. It has a wide range of flavors that can go great with just about any kind of food. You don't need to know a lot of details about how to make things better, just find a great seasoning mix and start making dishes that get your mouth watering.

Some people use it in baking, although it isn't considered a traditional Italian seasoning. Instead, they call it a "finishing salt", which seems to be a better way to convey its unique aroma. While there are many different kinds of salt, the bulk is generally table grade and has a neutral flavor. There are, however, many products out there that contain black truffle salt. One example would be a salty treat such as a homemade crust for an Italian omelet.

If you're interested in buying this particular type of salt, you can find it online in different packages, each containing just a tiny bit. The bulk is quite a bit higher priced, however, and is usually only available in specialty food shops. If you want to save money, however, you can buy individual black truffle salt shakers by the handful, and the smaller the package, the more it will cost. For those who want to experience the unique aroma of this seasoning yet do not need to fork over the money, purchasing in bulk is a great idea.