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Understanding The Traditional Chinese Medicine

There have been many miraculous cases of people being healed by adhering to a religion or thinking positively about life-threatening illnesses. Psychologists have grappled with the idea of "mind above matter" for decades, with little scientific evidence of the mechanism of miracles.

The proof lies in the bottom line of this anomaly. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Buddhist philosophy and principles are the basis of medical therapy at SITCM. Of course, if you are in a car accident or need emergency medical care, your best option is to go to the nearest emergency room. However, if you have a long-term pain condition or just want to improve your overall well-being, natural Chinese remedies might be for you!

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However, thirty years later, Mao Zedong selected ten highly respected doctors to create a traditional but standard practice called Traditional Chinese Medicine. Today TCM is taught in all Chinese schools and has even spread throughout the world by opening schools in the UK, USA, and Australia.

One of the basic tenets of TMC is the Taoist idea of "Yin and Yang". This term is used by schools of Chinese medicine to describe several opposites; e.g. hot and cold, dark and light, or moving and not moving.

Like the changing of the seasons or the fading of the day into night, the body is constantly in motion. If the cycle of balance is disturbed and something is too much or too little, then the body breaks down naturally.