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What To Know About Bananas In Africa?

Bananas are the most popular fruit in the world, but did you know that bananas don't actually grow on trees? Are they really the greatest herbs in the world? Bananas are everyone's favourite fruit, but they don't seem to be the fruit that many people know about.

Bananas contain a valuable source of vitamin B6, vitamin C and potassium, which are healthy and our body needs. Many athletes usually use bananas as a source of energy for physical health in everyday life. Bananas are also known as “Plantains” in Africa. You can easily buy yellow plantains online via

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These delicious fruits are grown in at least 107 countries around the world, although they are native to Southeast Asia and Australia. Bananas, eaten raw in their yellow form and cooked in green or yellow bananas, are a staple food for many Africans. Boiled or baked green bananas or plantains are also found in many Caribbean recipes. Bananas can be very versatile. Dried, they can be eaten as a snack or ground and made into flour.

Bananas come in a variety of sizes and colours, including yellow, purple, and red bananas. Green bananas, cooked and enjoyed in Caribbean and African cultures, are truly the unripe version of yellow bananas. The variety is usually sweeter than the yellow and has a slightly raspberry flavor. yellow banana skin is red to purple and the flesh is slightly pink. This sweet variety can be eaten raw or used to add a pretty colour to a variety of cooked banana dishes.