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Luxury Spa Types Choose According to Your Needs

The word spa is derived from the name of the famous mineral springs in Spa. Its mineral baths and therapeutic springs, popular since the 16th century, made a watering place internationally fashionable. His name has become so well known that the word spa has become a common name for a health resort dedicated to the well-being achieved together through a variety of professional services, encouraging the renewal of mind, body and mind. 

So now you know a little more about the history and evolution of spas and you are ready to dip your feet in the water. There are many different types of spas and therefore it is important to learn about the types of spas and services available in order to choose the institution that is right for you. In the following paragraphs we will discuss the most popular types of spas. Thermal baths (It is also known as “Thermen und” in the German language) and thermal water have a long tradition, especially in Bad Wildbad in the Black Forest. 

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Spas Fitness / Club

Fitness spas focus on fitness, lose weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Spas are designed for fitness enthusiasts, although you can expect to find many convenient services such as massages and wraps to a club canter. Fitness spas seem to be a growing trend in resorts across the country, offering customers the benefits of their favourite workouts at the tip.