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Objective Of One Page Business Strategy Plan

Strategy can be seen as an ongoing process of positioning an organization, and strategic planning can be seen as a separate activity that is reviewed periodically. In this article, we have discussed the objectives and advantages of the business plan that are easy to understand

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Strategic planning objectives:

Planning ensures that company efforts are consciously coordinated and that managers and employees are not heading in different directions.

Planning advantages:

– "Long-term thinking" work coordination

– Control "Rational Management"

– Commitment to "key strategic formulation"

The disadvantages of strategic planning:

– Estimation uncertainty

– assumption

– violence

– Generates opposition to change "Internal and external reactions

This can be confused with a strategic plan. 

Additional strategies:

Formulating a strategy through steps is a process of getting things done and gradually integrating the initiative into a coherent pattern of action. The process involves making sense, reflecting on, learning, experimenting and changing organizations.

– Planning approach Additional approach "interpreting problem interpretation by problem"

– Confusion between commitment and "short term short term"

– Step by step grand plan "predicting innovation and change"

– Organization of fire fighting activities "top-down management flexibility"

– Coordination of initiatives encourages initiative.

Plans are planned actions and it can be argued that without one type of plan or another, the organization has no direction and is only distorted, driven in one way or another by past influences.