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What Is A Search Engine Optimization Specialist?

An update to Google's algorithm means that social engagement is even more important than ever before. Online marketers are all scared of the latest updates on Google, Panda, and Penguin. But true search engine optimization specialists know that something emerged from Google's update.

Panda, which was launched around the beginning of 2011, began using artificial intelligence in a new way to enforce the best practice guidelines that Google has long provided for those who want to optimize their website. You can get information about seo services in Australia via

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Image Source: Google

Then came Penguin, launched last April, it was more like a kickback to a website that was still trying to "fool" the search engine to put them ahead of their competitors. The update makes Google's plans more focused, the importance of quality content, originality, and overall user experience.

Both updates have a very clear message for every search engine optimization specialist: stop focusing on technology and tricks and start focusing on people. If your website appeals to people, it will appeal to Google too.

Interactive exchanges that people do with one another and with brands occur on social media channels, and search engines are increasingly concerned about how this conversation affects their views of the brand and how their websites rank.

This means that a brand can no longer target its focus on websites that are well optimized to get Google's attention. A brand must be a conversation, go where people are and involve them in discussions, and get an outstanding reputation.