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All About Construction Cranes History, Working And Types

A crane is no less than a blessing for people who operate in the construction area. The ancient Greeks first discovered hundreds of construction cranes many years ago.

Since then, it has been a simplified way to load, unload, and material lifts. Advances in technology over the years have brought significant changes to the construction crane. To know about zoomlion tower cranes for commercial projects by camamach you can search the browser.

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Construction of modern times is more complex and requires lifting tons of material for hundreds of meters in height almost every hour.

Construction work Cranes

A crane used in the infrastructure sector using a pulley and cable system for lifting heavy loads. Lifting range and stability are the two main elements of the design of the crane. Furthermore, the design includes elements such as cables, cables, chains, and pulley system-level basis. integrated machine and other simple tools make this gigantic apparatus achieve efficient lifting and moving tasks.

There are various types of cranes are available, including:


It is one of the common crane used in the sectors concerned. It was developed in Europe and is now popular all over the world. A tower crane used in the construction of high-rise projects.

It can reach up to 265 feet to 230 feet and raise to 20 tones. The type of crane is fixed to the ground during construction and mounted on a reinforced concrete pad to get the anchor bolts embedded into the pad to achieve great stability.

Mounted vehicle

As the name suggests, the vehicle-mounted crane remained on the car or truck. This machine eliminates the need for additional equipment to transport the crane to work.