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The Use Of Slate As a Residential Roofing Material in Redding, CA

Many residential roofs in Redding choose slate roofing. Slate is made up of shingle-like slivers rock and can be found on more expensive homes. Slate is a residential roofing material that is durable and almost indestructible. A slate roof can last over 100 years. Slate has two lines of breakability, cleavage, and grain. This allows the slate to be cut into thin sheets.

Although slate is a more expensive option for residential roofing materials in Redding than other options, it offers a natural look and can be laid in many different patterns. You can know more about residential roofing materials in Redding, CA via the internet.

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Slate roofing has many benefits that are comparable to tile roofing. Slate roofs are durable and fireproof. Slate roofs are very easy to maintain and resist insect damage or rot. You can also find slate roofing in many sizes and colors, but the colors are largely similar to what you would see in nature.

Because of its durability, slate is a great choice for residential roofing materials. A slate roof is considered the best option because of its durability. It can last 75-150 years, or even longer. Slate, like tile roofing can also be very heavy. It may need additional support, which can prove costly. 

However, it is as resistant as clay tile to external influences. It is important to remember that a slate roof can be damaged by being walked on, making it difficult to maintain the roof, clean gutters and paint it. These tasks should only be performed by professionals.