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Digital Transformation: Critical Success Factors

Digital transformation is key not only in terms of short-term growth and market share but also to ensure long-term survival and relevance. Platforms and digital ecosystems can drive efficiency, and through new and unexpected collaboration, create new value for businesses and for customers. Digital maturity across industries has been classified into personas such as beginners, conservatives, and fashion & digital masters with digital capabilities and leadership that drive the transformation of their business.

The digital age has brought a new way of thinking about processes and operations. Smart devices with digital capabilities seamlessly offer direct benefits to industries around productivity, efficiency, innovation, and decision making. You can visit to know more about digital transformation.

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The company's current millennial CEO priorities are innovation, speed to market, public trust, and human capital that lead to initiatives around digital and data-driven businesses. CIO's priority is managing innovation and operations. While on the one hand, it is to increase transformation, efficiency, security, on the other hand, it is to cut costs & time for new services, maintain, simplify IT & infra models and improves business processes.

The business results of digital transformation programs determine the critical success factors or value propositions. This can be around the transformation of customer experience or the efficiency of company users. People, processes, and technology are important factors for the success of any transformation program.

It is very important that digital transformation is applied to an end-to-end process and not in a piecemeal manner. Front end customer acquisition that is very jazzy and digital with manual / semi-manual processes in the back office or vice versa will never lead to the desired business results. So complete digital process automation leads to innovation, efficiency, and trust and it becomes one of the critical success factors for transformation programs.