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Requirements for a Separation Agreement

The utmost complex and adverse phase of life is separation. A clear layout of the procedure of legal separation works can reduce some of the burdens of this hurting process. Usually, there are two main issues to solve when a couple separates which includes division of property and spousal maintenance and the issue of child custody.

Some things that can simplify the process of separation including the communications that are clear and calm and giving each other time to independently consider what to offer in the separation. 

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The first step is usually to open a conversation with your partner, which will obviously be a difficult step. Things you can talk with your partner will cover the custody of children, child support payments and a schedule for when each parent will have time with each child. It is also wise to discuss details of the maintenance and the separation of assets and debts in relationships.

The separation agreement should identify the basic details such as when the wedding started, how long it lasts, what is the separation date, what are personal details identifying the name, address, social security number, date of birth and the date the agreement.

It will also include what the parties have agreed on child custody, support, spousal maintenance and division of property. Often there is a need for a schedule of the property owned by each party and what is considered as part of the relationship be split after the separation.