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How To Consume CBD Flower In USA

Using hemp flowers can be tricky for beginners, and even experienced hemp flower users can learn something by taking a closer look at the most popular methods for ingesting hemp.

To get a quick overview of what hemp flower is and the benefits it offers, you can click here to read more. hemp flowers are as rich as THC marijuana but contain less than 0.3% THC. 

There is a common misconception that hemp and marijuana are different types of plants, but the only difference between high and low THC marijuana is the dominant cannabinoid.

Most high CBD cannabis strains take about four weeks to reach full size and another 8-9 weeks to flower. As soon as they reach their maximum strength, the flowers of the CBD-rich hemp plant are conventionally harvested and dried or quickly frozen. At this stage, the CBD flower is ready for consumption.

Cannabis can actually be grown as dominant in several different cannabinoids. The only reason hemp dominant hemp flower is more common than CBG dominant flower is that hemp first became popular.

Hemp flowers can be grown both indoors and outdoors, but indoor hemp flowers offer a significant increase in quality and potency. Some indoor strains contain nearly 25% CBD, which means they rival the potency of THC-rich cannabis.