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Mindfulness Meditation – How to Slay Your Inner Dragon

We can take advantage of mindfulness by reminding ourselves daily to develop awareness of the present moment. And we have to, because we are constantly battling primitive areas of the brain that are hard to associate with negativity.

To kill a dragon, you must first recognize it…

Well, that's not the dragon we're dealing with – more like a lizard. Our evolutionary ancestors left unwanted gifts.

As a neuropsychologist Dr. Rick Hanson states, our minds are "like Velcro for negative experiences and like Teflon for positive experiences".

The most primitive areas of the brain – structures that predate later mammals and primates – are primarily concerned with survival and threat perception.

Every bad experience needs to be remembered to ensure it doesn't happen again; in other words, bitten once, embarrassed twice.

How mindfulness meditation changes our brain and emotions

Numerous studies have shown that mindfulness meditation makes practitioners more likely to view neutral experiences in a positive light and focus less on the negative.

The reason for this change that psychologists call a "positive effect" is an improvement in the prefrontal cortex to favor the left side over the right side. You can also know more about mindfulness resources at

This moves the trend away from depression and anxiety towards happiness, relaxation, and emotional balance.

The immune system is also noticeably improved, perhaps because it is one of the systems most affected by stress hormones, which are now better regulated. In other words, meditation allows us to kill the inner dragon!

Some Apps to Help You Achieve Mindfulness

Meditation seems to be having a moment in popular culture these days. Everywhere, it feels like the benefits of the ancient practice are being championed: improved concentration, growing self-awareness and yes, even happiness. You can discover more details about mindfulness app through

Some Apps to Help You Achieve Mindfulness

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It takes a specific effort to be silent, centered and aware, especially in the digital era of non-stop today. And when you get used to instant gratification, it can feel frustrated if your meditation goals are not met immediately.

With patience and practice can have great benefits? It is a wonderful tool for patients and their friends and their families in the hospital.

The good news is you do not have to wake up at dawn or become a yoga aficionado to meditate. Meditation can happen anytime, anywhere. Although it may sound counter-intuitive, many applications have been developed to do just that:

Calm is application awareness meditation and sleep aid. Operating under a subscription model, the application fee either monthly or annual fee for a series of guided meditation practice, the latter of which also offer a 21-day program for the general welfare and the series for a week in bed.

Individual sessions can last anywhere between two and twenty minutes, and "targeted" sessions soothing soundtrack features relaxing music and nature sounds.

Co-invented by psychologists and mental health professionals, sets itself apart from other applications, offering Similarly, through the additional specialties, including offering a separate module for group work.

Headspace is an application developed specifically for meditation in the workplace. Described as "a gym membership to mind," this application encourages ten minutes of meditation per day – all of which can occur right behind your desk!