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Reasons Why Going Green Will Help You Through the Recession

Our market is at a rough spot.  You hear about job reductions and companies filing for bankruptcy daily. These are uncertain times, however, our state has observed worse.

There is no reason to not be optimistic for the future. But before that future arrives, here are a few pointers to help save you cash. 

Transit – Require public transit as far as you can. Cutting back on your auto usage will save an incredible quantity of money.  You can also help in saving our planet or environment with the help of professional engineers via for maintaining power through the energy transition.

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If you have to drive, keep your car or truck well. Keep your tires inflated to the recommended PSI, choose unnecessary/heavy items from the back, and turn off your car in case you are idling for more than 30 minutes. This will help save you money and emissions.

Eating In – Create foods from scratch rather than eating out. Avoid prepackaged foods if possible also. Starting from scratch is obviously the least expensive option and educating your children how to cook and cook is a superb lifelong skill. And of course, it is a lot healthier!

Create Repairs – Do not throw away something which costs $100 bucks when you can get it repaired for $20.  There is a repair shop for virtually anything you can imagine, simply look on the internet or in the telephone book.  

Fixing things is far more economical than purchasing a new one since it uses fewer resources and generates less waste.

You will also save a lot of cash (and perhaps even make some cash ) if you understand to fix things yourself.

Borrowing/Buying Employed  – Do not have a 5/8th socket wrench? Do not purchase another 50-bit set. Request your family and friends if you can borrow their resources before purchasing your own.  

If you truly should make a significant purchase, look for the classifieds (online and from the paper ) first for second-hand buys.