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About Geothermal Heat Pumps

Geothermal heat pump is one way to produce energy that basically uses the power of the sun. Using a geothermal heat pump is different from conventional solar systems, but it is very energy efficient and helps you save a lot of electricity.

The key to considerate how geothermal heat pump system works is to recognize that the temperature of the earth under the surface of the earth does not change nearly as drastically as the temperature of the air.

Below the freezing line, temperatures maintain a constant temperature that is far more stable than air. In the southeast, this constant temperature, which is kept below the freezing line, is around 65 degrees.

When installing a geothermal heat pump, the circuit is buried about fifty to seventy-five feet underground below freezing and stored at this 65 degree temperature. Fluid in the circuit circulates through the underground system and reaches the geothermal heat pump.

A geothermal heat pump can then convert liquid energy into energy that heats and cools your home. Because most people usually keep their home temperatures in the range of around 65 to 73 degrees, depending on the season and comfort, 65 degree liquids only need to be heated or cooled in small amounts to reach the desired air temperature.

In your home, this means significant energy savings because your heating system does not require large temperature or heating or cooling settings.