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Types of Grease Traps in Auckland

Grease traps are often misunderstood. The simple fact is that they are a very effective way to remove grease and oil from a surface. There are three main types of grease traps: absorption, adsorption and conversion. 

Absorption traps use a liquid or dust-like substance to absorb the grease and then trap the liquid in a chamber. The chamber is then vented to the atmosphere, where the grease can be collected. Absorption traps are typically smaller than other types of traps and are used for small areas. You can opt for Auckland grease trap cleaning services from various sources.

Adsorption traps use a solid material to trap the grease. The solid material is usually porous, which allows the grease to seep through it and into the trap chamber. The trap chamber is then vented to the atmosphere, where the grease can be collected. Adsorption traps are larger than absorption traps and are used for larger areas. 

There are many types of grease traps. Each trap has its own advantages. The best grease trap for your home depends on the type of grease and the amount of grease that is being produced.

The three most common types of traps are the wet absorption, dry absorption, andLERC (Lever Action Removal Container) traps. Here's a brief overview of each:

-Wet absorption traps absorb water along with the grease. This type of trap is good forgreases that are liquid or oily. It is also good for greases that have a high fat content.

-Dry absorption traps do not absorb water. Instead, they use airflow to pull the grease and water through the trap. This type of trap is good for greases that are solid or semisolid. It is not as good as the wet absorption trap for greases with a high fat content.

-LERC traps use a lever to move the grease container up and down. This type of trap is good for greases that are solid or semisolid.