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Timber Roof Trusses Are Different From Other Trusses

Roof trusses are wooden structural structures to provide support to a roof. Choosing a roof truss is a challenge as it must be functional and also have aesthetic value. Various materials such as wood, steel, aluminum are used to make these triangular structures. The most commonly found truss is a wooden truss. You can also hire quality timber frames and trusses specialists in Newcastle.

Frame and truss manufacturers have increased the use of wood trusses due to several advantages, including:

Flexibility and versatility: Wood trusses can be easily attached to other trusses and combine well with other components such as steel beams because of their versatile and consistent quality.

Environmentally friendly: Timber releases oxygen into the environment which is a huge benefit in this era. Timber uses less energy to process and also reduces air and water pollution.

Economy: The time taken to make a wooden truss is very short and no heavy equipment is required to handle this material.

Durable and Strength: Precise construction process is used to make continuous good quality trusses that are uniform in size and shape which are essential to the structural integrity of a building.

Energy-efficient: The thermal properties of the wood framework are superior to other framing materials such as steel. They are considered great insulators which is a vital characteristic of truss materials.

Artistic freedom: Trusses gives unlimited variety for experimenting with wood.

So when choosing truss material for your place, think of timber as it has many advantages.