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How to maintain and restore laminate flooring

Laminate floors add a different look to your home or workplace. These floors are more durable and resistant to stains. If you apply the proper laminate cleaning products and procedures, they can be easily cleaned and maintained.
Here are some general floor cleaning tips for these types of floors:
Sweep the laminate floor daily with a soft-bristle broom. This will prevent scratches.
Vacuum cleaning:
It is helpful and meaningful to vacuum laminate floors regularly to remove loose dirt and dust. The dust contains abrasives that can cause scratches.
Wet mopping:
Wet cleaning is suggested to wash the laminate floor once a week or not. You can use a soft fiber mop. Always mop the lines on the floorboards.
Dry and wash the floor with soft microfiber mops. Be sure to use a damp mop as water can damage laminate flooring. It is suggested to simply use the suggested laminate cleaning products to clean the floor.
Things to avoid:
You should not use polish, wax, washing powder, or even a vegetable oil-based product, abrasive pads, or steel wool to clean or polish a laminate floor. These products will damage the surface of the floor.
Also, avoid using cleaning agents like ammonia, vinegar, or chlorinated options to clean floors. Vinegar is an acid. Every time you use it, it will eat away at the exterior, whether it is dull, and remove the top protective layer.
In the same way, chlorine and ammonia will damage the top layer of the floor. Do not wash or mop the floor with soap, water, and detergent. This can lead to swelling, deformation, delamination, and opening of your joints and openings.