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The Role Of An Emergency Dentist In Newton

The emergency dentist plays an important role in your dental care plan. You must have a reputable emergency dentist number if you lose your tooth, or have a bad toothache at night or on weekends or holidays. 

Your emergency dentist may be your regular dentist, but many dentists don't yet offer emergency services. In a serious emergency where you can't find a suitable dentist to call, the emergency room can provide you with the treatment you need until you go to the dentist.

emergency dentist

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Emergency dentists offer emergency dental care to patients at night or on weekends. The most common problem requiring emergency dental services is a severe toothache from a stroke or abscess (infection). 

Your dentist can help you by pulling your tooth or creating a root canal. However, sometimes you need to take antibiotics first.

Some other forms of emergency that require emergency treatment are broken teeth, broken fillings or caps, or other dental problems that cause a lot of pain. There are no specific guidelines for emergencies, and services and procedures vary from dentist to dentist.

An emergency dentist is not a substitute for regular dental care but can be an important part of your overall dental plan. By having your dentist's contact information, you can avoid pain and reduce the chance of permanent damage to your smile.