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How Drones Are Used To Save Lives?

Search and rescue situations always have a sense of emergency. In such situations, every second is important and must be used as efficiently as possible. Drones are being used for such operations as they have the ability to survey large areas of land much faster than humans.

There are many rescue teams that use drones for these purposes. The rescue teams such as fire brigades or traffic police can have commercial drone application through These drone applications help them to scan areas quickly so that they can start their rescue operations.    

Some claim that immediate operations in which lives are in danger usually involve the use of planes and helicopters. It is therefore useless to proceed in the same way with drones, especially since they cannot carry any rescuer with them on their operation. However, there are a number of points that favor drones over helicopters and airplanes. Some facts about planes and helicopters indicate why it becomes too difficult to use them in some operations:

  • It takes time to unfold.
  • They consume a lot of fuel and are very expensive.
  • They need a human pilot to accompany them in dangerous situations.
  • They cannot get very close to the emergency because they must maintain a precise vertical height to prevent falls.

The use of drones can get around all these problems because they do not need any pilot on board and can fly very close to the ground to get a better idea of the situation. It is currently preferable to use UAVs in hazardous areas because they provide an early picture of the situation, allowing rescuers to formulate a sufficiently effective and efficient strategy to deal with the situation as quickly as possible.