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Effective Operational Practices for Managing Diversity

The continuous increase in diversity over time has resulted in the creation and implementation of various policies and techniques to achieve maximum benefit and productivity of the different employees in the organization. These guidelines will not only help different employees improve each other, but will also create great opportunities for promotion.

According to the 1998 Commission Working Group on Equal Opportunities for Employment, maximum sustainable success is possible if the following diversity policies and programs are implemented in every organization. The guidelines are as follows:

The Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace Survey

There needs to be offices, committees, and staff dedicated to addressing the diverse aspects of the organization. The task of such committees or employees is to deal effectively with all topics and problems in the organization.

Recruit and hire highly skilled people from various sources. Invite them to apply directly to your organization.

Designing personnel policies according to the needs of different masses. Special guidelines for catering, private days, etc. must be adapted to each specific and diverse population. A more meaningful body of work leads to a more effective presentation.

In the event of a dispute; Diverse offices must have certain processing mechanisms. The dispute must be resolved impartially. First, efforts should be made to resolve the issue through private dialogue between the disputing parties. If that doesn't resolve the issue, a manager or other employee can act as arbitrator. If that fails too, the problem can be taken to a peer-reviewed panel for a solution.