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Career Preference Testing – The Key to Gaining Job Satisfaction


Career Preferences Testing is available for those who are looking for directions to pursue in the hunt for work, decide on career paths, or find their crafts. Career Preferences Testing is a respectable tool that is useful for people of all ages that make decisions about choices in their job search. 

These people can become secondary school students who want to make career decisions or experienced professionals who are checking the new career direction. Career Preference Assessment Report is generated from the test results. You can take job abilities evaluation test to evaluate the productivity and professional potential of a candidate.

Pre-Employment Testing - Pre-Screening Tests

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In its most basic form, career preferences testing is an adult version of childhood "ah-ha" where we get new insights about our personality. A report is generated from the test results used by clients to explore interest, abilities, personality, and motivation. These factors interact by suggesting someone's best career.

General techniques in the field of career counseling utilize personality preference testing (or typing). Personality Preference Testing Report identifies how a person is psychologically processing life experiences. Personality preferences encourage attitudes, influence motivation, and determine the relative emotional needs of a person when interacting with other people both in personal life and at work.

The most widely used personality preference assessment is the Myers-Briggs type indicator or MBTI. MBTI's assessment identifies personality preferences which are then used by clients in helping job search. 

Prospective employers can also use MBTI as part of the recruitment decision process. Based on the work of Carl Jung's psychologist, personality preference theory is quantified in the original MBTI assessment by the Mother and Daughter team, Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs.