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Cancer Treatment: Bone Marrow Transplantation

Bone Marrow Transplantation or BMT is a procedure that is undertaken to introduce healthy bone marrow stem cells as a replacement for the damaged bone marrow. The soft fatty tissue inside the bone is termed as bone marrow. New blood cells are created from certain immature cells that reside in the bone marrow, and these immature cells are known as stem cells. You can also know more about bone marrow via

Types of BMT

Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant involves recovering stem cells from the body of the patient being treated. After the stem cells are recovered the patient is subjected to a high dose of chemotherapy. Once the chemotherapy sessions are completed, the stem cells are introduced back to the person's body in an intravenous manner.

Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant involves obtaining the required stem cells for treatment from a donor. The donor, in this case, must have a genetic match with the patient being treated. In this regard, the usual stem donors are the patient's siblings or a person with whom the patient has a very good genetic match. The genetic match is established after the conduction of numerous blood tests.

The benefits of BMT

There are many factors that determine how healthy the treated patient becomes post the BMT treatment, and these factors include the type of BMT used, the percentage of a match that was achieved between the patient and donor stem cells, the type of cancer that the patient was affected with, and also upon the age and the general health condition of the patient. BMT has the capability of completely curing a disease, or sometimes the disease could be brought under control. Depending on how successful the BMT treatment is the patient can get back to his or her regular chore in a few months, or sometimes in a year's time.