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Why House Takes So Long To Sell?

It's possible to sell your house quickly, even in this real estate market. You'd like to sell your house easily for many reasons. This is why home sales take several weeks or even months to close. Why is selling a house taking so long?

• The house has to be ready for sale. It is necessary to make major and minor repairs. It is important to upgrade obsolete fixtures. If you want to know how to avoid home foreclosure then you can go various online resources.

• It is necessary to find a buyer. It usually involves multiple shows over days, months, or years. Not only does the house have to be the right size and the right price point, but it also has to have that' special thing' that allows a buyer to feel that this is' their house' compared to all the other items on the market.

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• Financing is required. To do so, the borrower must be tested to ensure that they meet the borrowing criteria or the financial institution concerned. The borrower is often asked to produce additional documentation during the underwriting of the loan. It takes time to compile and arrange this information.

• A search for the title must be undertaken to ensure that the name is accurate. Normally this is one of the last measures before closing and often takes several weeks to complete.

• The borrower must meet certain stipulations (extra conditions). This may be an enhanced down payment, additional paperwork, private mortgage insurance purchase, or any other requirements.