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Top Android App Development Frameworks

One of the most frequent and toughest queries asked by android developers is what framework they select to develop an app. Why? If they select one framework over other options is there any particular motive behind it? Is it simply a random selection at first? What framework is the most effective and the most appropriate for Android application development? So, if you are looking for android framework for automated UI testing, you can browse the web.

Have you had the opportunity to turn the app you use on an iPhone into an android application? Do you have any thoughts about it? You may not even think about doing it. But, it's very possible!

Android is a very flexible platform that gives developers a lot of flexibility. Are you looking for an Android app development company that offers you, numerous service suppliers? The apps they develop can be used on a variety of different platforms. 

If Adobe and Apache offer an Android framework for app development it must have something distinct and distinctive about it. The PhoneGap framework application allows users to think about changes that could be made quickly. 

A list of Android development platforms can be considered complete without TheAppBuilder which makes use of HTML5. Its non-coded interface is designed to allow faster development. One of the major advantages of the platform is it allows you to specifically showcase your app to the Google Play store and subsequently to a large target audience.