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Retractable Pool & Spa Enclosures

Modern swimming pool covers are no longer limited to aluminum and screens. With the use of polycarbonate, the designs and styles of today's swimming pool covers are almost limitless.

Retractable pool covers are a very popular type.

As a pool owner, you know that cleaning your pool can cost a lot of work and save money. Regular pool covers may offer limited protection but still allow the pool to get dirty.

You can buy retractable swimming pool enclosures & stylish pool enclosures from various online sources.

A pool cover is like creating indoor space around the pool area. It is more comfortable than a pool cover and allows the pool to be used all year round, even when it rains. You should take this into account when planning and building your own swimming pool.


-Extend your swimming season or swim all year round!

-Use your patio or pool even in bad weather (simply fence off the segment by sliding)

-Push your fence away from the pool or patio on a hot day (let the pool or patio breathe)

-Extended use plus additional storage, planting, or practice space

-Reduces cleaning time by protecting against dirt, leaves, and debris from your case


-Minimize the risk of your children or pets falling into the water

-System for attaching canopy segments to rails to protect against strong winds

-No glass – unbreakable polycarbonate panels

-UV protection that reduces the sun's harmful rays.