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Learn the Truth about GMO Foods

Organic food has become a popular way of life because more Americans are trying to eat healthier. Genetically modified foods, better known as GMO foods, have also created a stir in the last decade because more and more people are starting to learn about controversial topics.

Transgenic food is basically made by scientists in the laboratory by connecting genes from one organism to the DNA of another organism. This procedure was developed to create "better" food products for greater commercial success.

These GMO foods contain many dangerous chemicals which will cause many health issues. There are some lawyers that are working to help people who are suffering from health issues due to these GMO foods. They help them to get some financial compensation.

If you or your family member is also suffering from diseases due the use of GMO products then you can also contact roundup lawyers to file a case against GMO companies. You can search for Monsanto roundup lawsuits lawyers from various web sources.


The monetary success of these food companies does not come without risk. Agricultural biotechnology has advanced rapidly, but the US Department of Agriculture acknowledges that it raises many questions such as the promises it offers.

You should note that transgenic production has been severely restricted or even banned in other countries around the world because of the many health risks associated with GMOs and GMO foods.

The majority of corn grown in the US has been genetically engineered, including corn used in corn oil, corn syrup, and thousands of other corn-based products.

Many animals fed animal feed made from GMO corn have developed leukemia and other cancers as well as high blood pressure, allergies and increased blood sugar.

Another animal testing involving GMO food has been carried out and serious health risks also occur in animals in these cases.