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Know More About Digital Wall Calendar

We are all familiar with the concept of a wall calendar. Something that looks like the image above. It has been used to help visualize dates in the month over several decades and allows people to plan the month accordingly.

But the main purpose of these wall display calendarswas to make the whole family aware of family events and functions at a glance.

Digital Wall Calendar

Image Source: Google

This served the purpose in times when schedules where simple, and events and meetings could only be written on the calendar inboxes.

However, in today’s era where calendars are on our smartphones and events are constantly being added and updated, this is no longer possible. So most people have gone on to use their smartphones as their calendar of choice.

Would it be perfect for a digital wall calendar that syncs with your family’s Google calendar to display events for the whole family to see? And also keep it visually pleasing with amazing backgrounds or family photos.

For background images, you can choose images from the included Unsplash categories such as nature, night sky, architecture, and more.

Or you can make it more personal and choose a picture from your family photo album in Google or Apple Photos.

This personal electronic wall display can help bring some clear and beautiful schedule visibility to help with the busy and chaotic lives we all live today.