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Increasing New Hire Satisfaction With Electronic Onboarding

Most of the companies have launched a new hiring policy nowadays. The new employees mostly sit in the HR conference room for about 3-4 hours, checking the guidelines, filling out the forms manually, and realizing that they don't carry the correct ID required for Forms. 

If the organization is struggling with the implementation of an effective electronic onboarding strategy, companies highly recommend that you consider an e-board solution. Product licenses may be cheaper than you think, and the process of implementing them can be relatively straightforward.

New employees require banking information, account for their direct deposit form, and so on. Rarely do new employees show up with everything they need to "get down to earth" and rarely know what to expect the first day. 

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The new recruitment survey reflects a broken process and general dissatisfaction with our enrollment process. Worse, managers rarely ensure that the right IT requirements are in place, and rarely clean, prepare workspaces for new hirings. 

The organizational decision has been made to improve processes globally and it is my job to find solutions. After about a month of researching and presenting suppliers, we finally decided to find a solution for electronic integration. 

Its goal: to enhance the new recruiting experience while significantly reducing value-added consulting activities. The plans for using the outboard system with new arrangements will give positive results.