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In-Ground Winter Pool Covers For Swimming Pool Closing

Covering your outdoor pool for the winter is an important task that needs to be done properly to protect your pool from bad weather and ensure your spring opening goes as smoothly as possible. One of the most important steps to successfully winterizing your outdoor pool is covering it with a winter cover. 

While there are many different winter pool covers from different manufacturers, all standard winter pool covers fall into one of two categories – solid winter covers and mesh winter covers. While each category has its pros and cons, both types of winter indoor pool cover can provide excellent winter protection for your pool when installed properly.

You can request a quote for getting more details about swimming pool covers.

Although winter covers over swimming pools can be divided into two distinct categories, they all share some characteristics in common. As they are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions such as wind, rain, snow, and low temperatures, winter pool covers are made of extremely durable materials. 

They are also equipped with additional features that increase their strength and durability, such as double-stitched binding and a weather-resistant topcoat. Winter pool covers are also available with significant material overlap to allow for the dripping of water in the pool.

As for the special characteristics of each type of winter pool cover, the solid floor is made of tightly woven plastic-coated polyethylene. Typically, these winter pool liners contain UV blockers to prevent sun damage. Some petals also have a black underside which inhibits algae growth.

Hard coatings are the most common type of winter coating for indoor pools and are relatively inexpensive. They are also quite easy to install.