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How To Start A Successful Paddle Board Rental Business

Currently, stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) is more popular than ever and is expected to continue expanding over the next few years. What does it mean? 

Simply put, starting a rowing business is a wonderful opportunity to build a healthy, happy and prosperous business. You can also get information about the stand-up paddle board yoga profession through the web.

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The first step in starting a business is choosing a business model. There are two main business models to choose from – mobile and commercial.


The mobile business is easier to start because it is the cheapest. This model does not require the overhead that will be incurred when renting a retail store. 

You can also grow your business from the comfort of your home. All you need is a supply of oars and a vehicle to transport them. Your client calls and you meet them out on the water with the paddle they want to rent.


A permanent business is doing business on the premises that you have rented or purchased. To run your business, you need approval from local authorities. Your business location should be close to a body of water (sea, lake, river, or hotel), preferably close enough for your tenants to run and grow. 

Paddles come in all shapes and sizes. The ideal rental paddle has a durable blade, a sturdy shaft, and an adjustable handle. Although it sounds simple, you need a paddle to swim.