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How To Select Injury Lawyer In Milwaukee?

If you have been injured in an accident it is time to think about hiring a lawyer. Here are some guidelines to help you through the process.

Your family lawyer may have done a great job for you, but it may not be the best choice for your injury case. Finding a lawyer who worked mainly in cases of injury is important. You can choose an injury advocate in Milwaukee through the internet.


Prepare a List of Questions

Your list of questions should be personal to you so do not hesitate to use your imagination. Here are a few questions to consider for your list:

How long has he/she practiced injury law?

Ideally five years full time. It takes five years to learn the ropes in any area of law.

How many cases has he/she handled?

With five years of experience, he/she would have likely handled a conclusion over one hundred cases.

Has she handled any cases like yours?

It is not absolutely necessary that she has handled a case identical to yours but if yours is an unusual case her specific experience could be a big plus.

What is her largest settlement or verdict?

If yours is a $50,000 case it may not matter that the lawyer has numerous half-million cases to her credit.