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Follow These Tips For Any Type of Hair

Haircare tips are considered universal all over the world. Whether you have straight, thin, curly, thick or dry, you should be taking care of your hair in order to look good and receive nourishment. These are some of the tips you should follow on a regular basis regardless of the type of hair you have.

  1. Don’t Use Cotton Pillowcase – During your sleep avoid using cotton pillowcase and instead switch over to using silk pillowcase. Your hair turns dry as soon as you start using cotton pillowcase.
  2. Don’t Use Hot Water – Feels good when we have a shower with hot water, right? However, the problem arises when using of hot water for the hair. It not only makes the hair dry but also causes damage to it. So, when you are about to hit the shower, just make sure you are using lukewarm water to wash your hair instead of hot water.
  3. Don’t Forget to Hit the Scalp – Our hair is capable of producing natural oil with the help of the scalp which also helps in getting rid of the dead skin cells. During your washing of the hair, the shampoo should hit the area of the scalp.
  4. Don’t Use a Towel – Now this is a problem seen in people with thin hair. When you are done with your shower, dry your hair with the help of using a cotton t-shirt instead of a towel. Using a towel will only make you lose your hair along with other problems.

With these tips, try getting keratin treatment at home for your hair as well.