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Brief Introduction To Wine Tasting

To the uninitiated, wine tasting may sound like little more than standing in a room somewhere, swilling a few random glasses, and calling it a day. There’s a lot more to it than that, and for those who know and engage in the process, wine tasting can be great recreation.

Like any good thing, one of the keys with wine tasting is patience, not rushing into or through it. There’s a saying that life isn’t about the destination, it’s about the journey. You can get the information regarding wine tasting course via

That’s apt to remember when sampling wine. While joining in with some monthly wine club and partaking in a few unfamiliar wines isn’t rocket science when it gets down to it, there are definite steps worth observing when tasting.

There are two basic types of wine tasting, the vertical test which measures different years (also known as “vintages”) of the same type of wine and the horizontal test which takes the same year but looks at a few different types of wine.

Some of the objectives in either type of tasting are to gauge the complexity, character, and balance of the wine and its potential as well as to identify any possible faults.

The steps in wine tasting can be summed up as color, swirl, smell, taste, and savor. All of this may sound like a lot of work, but at the end of the day, it’s in the name of fun and enjoyment. After all, it’s wine tasting, not rocket science.