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Cyber Insurance To Manage Digital Risk

Today, any company that does business over the internet is at risk, whether it’s a large software company, a mortar dealer with a dot-com presence, or a small dealer selling specialty arts and crafts online.

All companies have personal and important information at risk. This can be anything from an intellectual property patent to a customer’s social security number. Here you can find about seasoned cyber insurance brokers at Trusted Union and also about free Quote.

Unfortunately for these companies – and their customers – most digital damage is not covered by traditional corporate insurance. 

General liability insurance – especially personal and advertising damage insurance – now offers very limited coverage for many of the risks posed by the widespread use of the internet for commerce.

For this reason, a number of companies seek protection through what is less commonly known as “cyber insurance”. This line of insurance has emerged in recent years as a way for companies to protect themselves from lawsuits from customers whose personal information has been stolen.

Cyber ​​insurance is gaining popularity in the computer security industry. Many insurance companies now offer cyber insurance in one form or another. 

Coverage continues to grow and prices increase as more and more businesses are drawn to industry coverage and rankings for new computer threats and the best ways to protect them.

Insurance companies offer a variety of products that protect against various types of threats or losses.